Fact Sheets

These comprehensive fact sheets from the Australian Taxation Office provide essential guidance for primary producers on claiming tax deductions for various land management expenses. Whether you're investing in landcare operations, fire prevention infrastructure, or establishing shelterbelts, understanding what you can and cannot claim is crucial for managing your farm's finances effectively. The detailed breakdowns cover everything from capital versus revenue expenses to specific deductible items for riparian management and water facilities.

As agriculture faces increasing environmental challenges, these tax incentives can help offset the costs of implementing sustainable land management practices. The fact sheets clearly outline eligibility requirements, define what constitutes a primary production business, and provide comprehensive tables of deductible expenses. They're an invaluable resource for any primary producer looking to make informed decisions about property improvements while maximising available tax benefits.

  1. Primary Producers – Landcare, Riparian Tax Deduction

  2. Expenditure on establishing shelterbelts

  3. Fire preparedness and prevention expenses

  4. Landcare and similar expenses

  5. Tree farming - forestry operations

  6. Dry Seasonal Conditions Support in Victoria


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